
Master’s Achievements for 2023


Natalia Pavlivskaya

What do you think: is one year a lot or a little for spiritual work? Let’s look at the story of the Master of the 3rd level of the Grand Architector Center:

“On February 1, 2023, I accepted a client with cancer of the left breast, she was depressed and in energy exhaustion, she had to have her breast amputated. The client decided to take a chance and we started working on February 1. You can see her conclusion here (click on the link).

Two months later, according to the test results, hemoglobin was normal, other tests were normal. In June, there were already great results for her energy state, the tests remained great, it remained to undergo examinations that would confirm the presence or absence of cancer.

And already in September 2023, the examination confirmed – NO CANCER. There are pictures and conclusions that confirm that the tumor has disappeared (click on the link).

All work was carried out using GA technology. Additionally, music was stitched to remove cancer cells from the body, to restore certain systems in the body.

As for my personal results for this year: my family reached an income of 20 thousand dollars a month. We changed our housing to another one, 100 times better than the previous one (landscape, all appliances, security, no hassle with parking – we have our own personal parking, etc.). For now it’s a rented apartment, but we already have a goal to buy our own home. I raised my standard of living, in the summer of 2023 we traveled to 7 countries.”

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