Еnergy healing and karma correction training

For those who actively develop themselves, wants to know themselves, improve their lives and help other people

Who needs training


You are an esoteric, psychologist, psychotherapist, thetahealler, reiki master, master of metaphorical maps, tarologist, reincarnatiologist, coach.


Actively engage in self-development, strive to actively engage and work with patients or with yourself and your family.

Then this training will allow you to further know yourself, the nature of the structure of the universe, the deep world of magic.

By mastering the technology, you will learn:

  • Harmoniously interaction with the highest hierarchies of Light, energy safety.
  • Get access to the Power of Creation, the energy of Life.
  • How to carry out works in causal, budchic and atmanic plans.
  • How to carry out works on purification, correction, harmonization of generic, reincarnation and personal karma.
  • How to eliminate magical impacts of any complexity.
  • How to conduct Exorcism sessions – eliminate destructive entities.
  • How to restore the natural channel to a person, the matrix of the channel – to work with consciousness, mental illness, mental disorders of a person.
  • How to conduct and restore the energy of the Permissive Flow of the Universal Power of Space Creation, the Ascending Flow of the Earth’s Ascending Power).
  • How to restore the correct energy transits in personal space.
  • How to work with reincarnations and genus (release and energy and close the lessons taken).
  • How to carry out works on the purification, healing, restoration, rejuvenation of energy, karmic correction, transformation of all spheres of life.
  • How to establish karmic and magical markings – to space energy for specific needs (sleep, work, healing, conducting energy sessions, training, etc.).
  • How to conduct sessions of energy healing of internal organs and thin bodies of man, animals.
  • How to work in the Akashi Chronicles, read information from your natural channel.
  • How to work with the matrices of acceptance, awareness (harmonize the work of mind – heart), restore the assembly point.
  • How to relieve pain, stop attacks (ambulance tools).
  • How to work with water and charge it. Stitch items, amulets, mascots, magic attributes, jewelry (any items for any needs).
  • How to clean the premises from foreign and destructive energy, close portals to the lower worlds, bring entities into their spaces and worlds without harming them.
  • How to work with matrices of awareness, acceptance.
  • How to carry out cycles of karmic correction, psychocarmic correction.
  • How to purify the personal and generic financial platform.

If you want to get an initiation at the Grand Architector Center, you should be ready for a deep and phased passage through the steps and levels.

There is no limit to perfection at our center and your learning and movement towards the peaks can be varied and exciting. After all, you can pump your skills and skills in different directions and at different levels of complexity.

In total in Grand Architector Center there are

  • 2 levels of the School of Energy Healing
  • 6 levels of the Institute of Karma Correction and Vector Programming of Reality

Levels of training in Energy Healing

1st stage. Operator of energy healing and vector programming of reality.

The 1st stage is ideal for working with yourself with the aim of self-knowledge and unlocking your natural potential. It is great for practices, meditations, and learning of interaction with the energies and forces of the universe.

With initiation to the 1st step, you get:

  • reconnection with his Soul, Creative Force (Creator God);
  • restoration of information channels of communication with the Universe and personal “Akasha Chronicles” (the information base of your soul);
  • learning how to interact with energies and the Higher Undeclared Forces of the Universe.

As a result of regular practices:

  • energy structure is cleaning;
  • the transit of energies is restored, due to which the natural, harmonious evolutionary development of humans occurs;
  • energy health is restored.

After initiation to the 1st stage of energy healing, you will have:

Cleaned energy structure, restored transit of energies, due to which the natural, harmonious evolutionary development of man occurs, the energy, physical and mental health is restored;

When you get the 1st stage, communication with your Soul, Creative Power is restored, settings are transferred to work in Energy healing with those forces that heal organs and systems and not only them

On the 1st stage of Energy healing, you can heal yourself, your relatives and friends.

A daily practice is attached to the 1st stage, which helps a person to interact with himself, Energies, Instances (Creator, Teachers, Elements), with the surrounding space.

In the course of practice, a person receives everything necessary for himself for every day and life in general.

2nd stage. Operator of energy informational healing and vector programming of reality

The 2nd stage of energy healing and vector programming of reality (hereinafter referred to as EHVPR) has the same capabilities as the 1st stage of EHVPR + a deeper level of access and additional programs for work with Physics, Conscious Consciousness.

It makes possible active work with people.

The 2nd stage makes it possible to work with other people and is ideal for high-quality preparation for work in the field of energy informational correction of karma and vector programming of reality.

This step of a deeper and wider range of possibilities in the sphere of magic, working with energies, cleansing space, healing yourself and those who need it.

As a result of regular practices:

  • it is possible to conduct face-to-face and remote patient cleansing sessions;
  • conduct sessions of healing, restoration of energy, psyche and as a result of physical health and spiritual balance.

The 2nd stage is set six months after the full opening of the first.

Training levels of the Institute of Karma Correction and Reality Programming in Grand Architector Center

The 1st Stage. Operator of energy informational correction of karma and vector programming of reality

The first stage is the main one for those who decided to accept responsibility for their fate, their life, to move from the state of “victim of circumstances” to the state of “Creator of their Universe.”

It is recommended for changing the trajectory of life and returning to the path of life determined by your own soul.

Stage possibilities:

  • It  allows you to work with personal karma, eliminates household negatives and effects of this embodiment. Eliminates generic negativity;
  • it is very convenient for personal use and self-development;
  • it is ideal for changing the situation in the family, society, health, business;
  • It helps to get out quickly from a difficult period of life;
  • It expands the possibilities of learning in the field of metaphysics and working with karmic trajectories.

As a result of initiation, a person receives:

  • The entire flow of forces and energies needed precisely for him, for his particular situation;
  • Whatever happens in life, the initiator receives exactly as many resources for correcting the trajectory of life, energy flows and spectra as  necessary for its evolutionary growth here and now;
  • The initiator receives a powerful correction and purification of the Energy Structure, which affects all spheres of life (health, everyday life, relationships in society, in the family, awareness, creativity, finance, spirituality);
  • The initiator receives a powerful “Karma drain” (purification from negative scenarios from the past), which is acceptable in his situation. He also receives “advance payment for karma” (positive change of movement), which will be most harmoniously manifested in his life during his formation.

During initiation, it is necessary to feel the conscious need and desire for initiation into Grand Architector’s technology.

If necessary, at the 1st stage you can get initiation to tarot, neurohealing, psychic.

The 2nd Stage. Operator of energy informational correction of karma and vector programming of reality

The first two steps are sufficient for your own development, as well as to provide assistance to loved ones, relatives and strangers who need help and are ready to accept it from the operator of Grand Architector

Suitable for personal use and for self-development.

At the same time, it allows you to receive clients (patients). Practice within the profession  “Operator of karma correction and vector programming of reality” to program reality by providing paid services.

The second stage includes all the same tools and training as the first stage of karma correction and vector programming of reality + has deeper levels of access to work with patients and the genus, can deeper and effectively clean the essential plan, impact, genus. It is very effective if you want to clean your genus, relatives and friends.

On the second stage, you can work with people, open your own office.

Differs from the first stage in that the operator can:

  •  conduct sessions simultaneously up to 3-4 people, including remote ones, it is less energy consuming;
  • cleanse deeper  the genus and reincarnation karma, those with whom up to 7-14 generations work;
  • work with diseases and help to get out of incarnation doomed;
  • work with the flow of clients and patients, daily, up to 4-6 clients per day;
  • control strong intent and will in reality programming.

In the process of training the operator of the 2nd stage:

  • new plans and goals are beginning to be implemented;
  • the operator learns the manifestation, the feeling of the situational vector and the skill to see the “pictures” from the future;
  • amplification of conductivity power of spectra and energy flows;
  • deeper elaboration and purification of the generic karma occurs, including the possibility of cleansing the reincarnation pathway.

If necessary, you can go through initiation to the tarot, battle magic, neurohealing, psychic at the 2 stage.

Stage of Apprentice (master candidate). “Conductor of Light.”

It is issued to the one who revealed the 2nd stage and showed his readiness to conduct initiations at the 1st and the 2nd stages of energy healing and the 1st stage of correction of karma and vector programming of reality, as well as to put hidden steps to relatives.

Differs from the 2nd in that:

  • the operator increases the power of the conducted energy flows;
  • the operator’s twins are modified. They receive new abilities, access to channels and autonomy;
  • get access to work with deeper layers of karmic load;
  • It is possible to learn from the master how to devote to the 1st and the 2nd stages of Energy Healing and the first stage of Correction of karma and vector programming of reality in Grand Architector’s technology.

In the course of training:

  • with each initiation made, the Apprentice receives another “Karma Advance”;
  • appears more clear vision of the vector space of the future;
  • the intention and will in programming reality is strengthened;
  • The Apprentice succeeds in implementing more plans and goals at a faster pace.

Starting from the Apprentice stage, the student is always aware of all updates and the first gets access to new programs and technologies.

The 3rd Stage – Master stage. “Warrior of Light”

Providing the Master’s personal platform at Grand Architect School. The level of awareness of the Master, necessary for pumping him and his students, is advanced – the PROFESSIONALS tool.

Karmic Drain and Karmic Advance, Force Advance and Spectra for the Master are also performed. The master of the 3rd stage independently conducts the Initiation of his Students – Karmic Correctors to the 1st and 2nd stages. With each new Initiation, the Master receives a Karmic Drain and a Karmic Advance.

The master of the 3rd stage is a person who takes on the responsibility of pumping the Stream of Light not only for himself, but also to help other people, helping them to become on the Path of Light and Creation. The ability to work with the Planetary Level, with the Elements of the Planetary Level – Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Ether. Managing these elements, including in Man, managing Natural Resources, helping to cleanse the Planet, helping to stabilize the awareness of large masses of people, excluding explosive, destructive social manifestations.

The 3rd stage is not the Travelers walking along the Path of Light, it is the Conductors of Light. This is the next level of responsibility of someone who is already ready to take care of other people, to teach them how to manage their destinies. At the Planetary Level, the 3rd Stage Master gains the opportunity of energy competencies at the level of the Country in which he is located. “Warrior of Light,” in the constant search and elimination of the darkness of ignorance, negativity and correction of shortcomings in Himself.

It is issued to the operator of the 2nd stage or to the candidate for master, who is ready to build his branch, to train energy healers and karma correction operators.

Differs from the second in that:

  • this step is needed only for those who actively work with people and deeply study spiritual truths;
  • the stage works with personal, generic, reincarnation karma, removes any effects, even those that are considered not removable;
  • gives the right to initiate and transfer technology for  the 1st  and the 2nd stages;
  • the stage is also issued in the case when there are applicants for initiation to the 2nd stage of energy informational correction of karma.

For ordinary life, when a person is not going to become a Master, the 1st and the 2nd steps are enough.

On the 3rd step, the master mentor helps in promoting and assimilating initiations, helps to build his branch within the Grand Architector’s platform, helps with initiates, helps to lead the branch.

The master of the 3rd stage learns to teach the Grand Master the technology of karma correction and vector programming of reality.

The 4th Step – Senior Master

It is issued only to those masters who developed their branch as a master, learned to transfer knowledge, to be responsible for their students.

It can only be obtained by the master who has the 1st and the 2nd stages in his branch of Operators, as well as those who wants and are ready to receive 3 stages.

This is an increase in the flow for pumping through the energies that allow you to educate the Masters of the 3rd stage on your platform. Gaining the opportunity to work with the Elements of Near Space. Working with temporal, spatial factors. Managing transitions between realities to improve the efficiency of its Mission.

The master receives the right and knowledge of initiation on the 1st -the 3rd steps.

The difference is not only in tools, but also in the number and ability to control stream arrays. The 4th stage begins to work well in the masses, while the 1st stage has enough strength only to conduct sessions for 1-2 people at the same time.

The 4th stage is the planetary interaction stage.

What opens up the 4th stage?

  • Access to the knowledges about the nature of being and the processes of the Universe, the laws reflected in this reality;
  • Liberation from the layers of personality and becoming as a conductor of the Higher Mind, Higher energies and forces;
  • A change in the structure of DNA, where creation codes become primary, opens Siddhi, working with arrays of space;
  • Firstly, when the initiation begins, when all requests are made according to the type “I invoke you to accept the planetary configuration by the master,” a U-turn occurs, as if the karmic configuration was revealed and access to the 4th stage is registered. A step-by-step plan for changing the wizard is also prescribed immediately. We know that the stage has been disclosed for a long time and this entire disclosure plan is originally prescribed.

What happens

  • The planetary karmic load, namely the planetary load, is immediately drained. Why? Because in order to place a master of such power in the space of matter, it is necessary to clean this space under it. Therefore, the planetary karmic load is cleaned firstly, then the master’s field is prepared, the field of the psyche is prepared, because the 4th stage is a cardinal difference from the first three stages, changes occur at the subatomic level. Fractal work takes place with the self-awareness and consciousness of the dedicated, the activation of the Kundalini of Earth, namely the Earth, in order to integrate such a structure into space, very serious forces are needed and at least Earth access is needed for the Earth to accept such a power.
  • Activation of Earthly Initiation Platforms and change in Earth codes for Master conduct, for Planetary Configuration Master Initiation. Co-configuration with the center of the Earth, with the center of the Galaxy. Connection with Hierarchies and curators of our Universe. This is all that happens at the very beginning of the initiation, when it says “I invoke to accept,” “I invoke to establish a channel for training interaction with energies.”

The 5th stage – Master Mentor

It is given only to those who have developed their branch as a master, knows how to transfer knowledge, and is responsible for their masters and students.

In his/her branch there should be Operators and Masters willing and ready to receive the 4th stage.

From the 5th stage, it is possible to create your own school and technology  and optional to be separated from Grand Architector into his/her own platform. 

The 5th stage is necessary for working with masses.

This rule exists because energy informational correction is not an easy science to work with human karmic trajectories.

To the 5th stage, the Master is aware and understands the full depth of responsibility for the transfer of knowledge and training, has energy power, knowledge and access for this.

What happens on the 5th stage’s initiation

  • The 5th stage has such power and such configuration and it is embedded in the system of life on the planet and in the system of urbanization. If we lived in nature, then all this would be as natural as nature itself, and this is how integration into the system occurs.
  • Firstly, a very serious process is being established to control the safety of the planet, the 5th stage is dangerous for the planet in the event of not environmentally friendly use of its power.
  • Environmental protections. Changing planetary configuration. Changing the configuration of the system itself.
  • Systems of interaction with the urban system are being built.
  • The readiness of the elements, the active regime of the active forces of the elements.
  • The elimination of interfering distortions happens – everything that distorts the possibility of the correct inintiation, in reality – everything is eliminated.
  • The evolutionary change of the system is taking place. Therefore, the 5th stage is the stage of curators and coordinators of social and human arrays.

It is carried out the necessary amount of work to change and integrate the system itself. Here it is written – the system wants to change, but cannot and therefore the system goes after the Creator if he interacts with it as the Creator, the master. He does not punish just like that, he is the owner, the owner is order.