About International Center of Karma Correction and Vector Reality Programming Grand Architector

Grand Architector

Learn more about the center
Initiation into technology
Learning new skills of self-healing
Training in methods of helping people through space energy and energy healing
Help in getting a new profession
Tools of life transformation comprehensively in all spheres
Life vector changes and fate modeling
Center Grand Architector is a training center with the latest unique techniques in world's esoteric practice.
The basis of Grand Architector's ideology is the concept of a new world, a new universe that we have aspired to for the past 100 years. The Center helps other people make this transition to another new world, to another dimension, to new vibrations and event series, through its Technology, practices and sessions.

Center Grand Architector helps everyone who

understands the energy processes of the world order
engaged in self-development and transformation of his life
knows about quantum changes and the vibrational shift of the planet
actively practices esoteric techniques and directions
ready to take responsibility for himself/herself and understands what it means
feels the need to serve the world, people and sees this as his/her purpose

It is a very difficult period on the Earth now

And it is very difficult for people to make this transition. The world is filled with fear, sufferings and very complicated events. A Few people know and understand how to live further. That is why the main mission of Grand Architector Center is to help people
Our mission is to help people to make this transition to the new reality that they created in the most comfortable and safe way. The masters and students of the center have a responsibility to change the world and to help other people in these changes and transitions.

The project is based on the following technologies:

karma correction
neuro healing
vector tarology
working with the future
Being with Grand Architector means weaving a new world, new threads of reality, creating a new reality for yourself and your family.
And if each of us will do this in his/her inner circle, then together we can help the maximum number of people and we will create another, new, world - new time.

In the new time, the equipment during sessions works differently. Technologies are being updated, tools and techniques are being transformed. And our goal is to give people these updates.

Our masters and pupils change reality through working on themselves, their relatives and clients, thereby helping as many people as possible to update their programmes and change their lives for the better.

Each of you can learn to explore himself/herself, your feelings and change events, gaining experience, moving to new heights.

Teaching online professions

The complex positive impact of technology on all spheres of life immediately allows you to free yourself from both a specific problem and harmonize all spheres of life, including:
personal growth
spiritual growth

Teaching online professions

At the Grand Architector Center, you can not only receive the services of Masters to heal your life, as well as you can find your master and mentor, independently undergo training in energy techniques and karma correction practices and get new professions:
energy healer
karma corrector
neuro healer
battle magician

Обучающие программы центра

Обучение технологии
Энергоцелительства, Коррекции кармы
и векторного программирования
реальности 1-5 ступени
Ключевая технология трансформации жизни и
устранения негативных препятствий на пути к
желаемому будущему
Обучение векторному
программированию реальности
Технология управления пространством,
простройки желаемых событий и будущего
Школа экстрасенсорики
и ясновидения
Обучение ясновидению, яснознанию
и яснослышанию, освоение профессии
Обучение Нейрохилингу
Методика быстрой перестройки нейронных
связей и выгрузки энергетических блоков и
психологических барьеров
Школа Сефиротического Таро
Считывайте Таро как профессиональный
таролог без книг и заучивания значений

Why the project is named Grand Architector

Why does the name of the Grand Architector of the Universe form the basis?
The Grand Architector of the Universe is the system that controls everything around and manages space beyond time.

We are in the matrix space of planet Earth. And the Grand Architector Center is at the head of matrix space management.

The Grand Architector of the Universe creates worlds, spaces and times. And, thanks to our technology, we can interact with him, learn from him and create our own world in a different way.

Of course, this does not mean that we interact only with the Architector, we interact with each Karma corrective and Cosmo Energetic instance. 78 tarot channels were also added to the programs, for feeding all the necessary spectra and energies in the human energy structure.

We want you to realize that when you come to the project, you will help manage the world matrix, while making a way out of it. The center interacts with a huge number of forces, including planetary and supra cosmic.

The most important, that the Grand Architector got in touch with the Founder of the Center, Grand Master Natalie Korol, during the most difficult period on the planet Earth, during the war period.

Due to the connection with the Grand Architector, Natalie was able to demonstrate courage and bravery, protecting her students who were in Kharkov and in other cities with active hostilities. Natalia Korol received new technologies, techniques through her channeling energy information channel and her regular trips.

What do you get when you come to the center

Now round the clock you are under the protection and guardianship of those forces that create planetary space every day. Which, in turn, gives you an advance payment for Karma. That means that you have "frozen" negative events and you are being trained to simulate the event series in a new way.
You get the tools to enable you to create any events in your life and attract everything you dream of: attract a man or a woman, increase finances, find work, create and expand a business. But, most importantly, you will learn to know exactly WHAT you want. And then the supervising authorities and the highest forces of the center will help you with the implementation, modeling and construction of event threads.
Initiation to the technology of the center will allow you to receive protection and mentoring, because it reveals and clears your natural local channel. You will be led according to your code of soul, along the path that is the best, the most favorable and safe for you at the moment.
You get a set of tools and cleaning sessions that will help you to be protected, with which you can minimize the negative impact on you and your life. With these technologies you can remove all barriers from your path and change the fate
Cleaning tools of technology include the general cleansing of your energy structure, thin fields of matrices, chakras, family, magical influences, entities and destructive programs of the subconscious.
You get completely new digital technologies with which you can adjust your space, the space of your relatives, loved ones and students (depending on the stage).
You get a mentor/master who will lead you on the path of learning technology and, if possible, help solve your personal issues. In our center, you receive this invaluable gift of a person who will help you, and this is included in the cost of training according to your level. The average cost of individual education in other schools and centers is from 1 million rubles/10 thousand euros/more than 300,000 UAH. You pay only for training!

What means the Grand Architector center's symbol

The symbol of the center is the Eye (all-seeing eye, third eye). Very often this symbol is placed in the Triagle - triangle.

The most common meanings of the Third Eye as a symbol:

    sun, solar power

    light, light crystallization

    omniscience, all-vision, clairvoyance, inner vision, vision of the real essence of things, perfect vision

    spiritual consciousness, insight, enlightenment

    unity, balance

    All-Seeing God, Absolute, Mind, Trinity

    vigilance, transcendent wisdom

    liberation from duality and pairs of the opposite

    The third eye symbolizes all Solar Gods who have the creating energy of the Sun, embodied in God the King.

Grand Architector Center’s Status

"Grand Architector" - is the name of the center, technology, community of people, united by initiation into energy information correction of karma, space energy, tarot, psychic.
Grand Architector is a training center. Esoteric (for initiates), psychological (courses), spiritual and educational (for beginners and seekers).
The School of Energy Informational Healing is a community of initiated, practicing and working with tools of energy information correction technology.
The Center of Karma Correction and Fate Modeling is Grand Architector's practitioners, who transfer knowledge and training the technologies.

Status of karma energy-informational correction technology

Karma energy-informational correction is technology of information and energy purification of human karmic load. Restoring energy and mental balance, human health, connection with the external and internal World, its own Nature, Soul, purpose.

A unique transformational healing system that allows to harmonize comprehensively all areas of life of an individual and groups of people.

Grand Architector is a synthesis of ancient and modern technologies for the transformation of fate and human life. This is the result of combining techniques, practices and tools: Cosmoenergetics, tarot, tantrism, karma correction, ancient and modern types of summoning, practical magic and energy healing.

Adapted to modern social realities, Theurgy (an appealing magic, interaction with the Supreme Intelligent Forces of the Universe). It is presented as a set of active practices and ritual actions aimed at receiving metaphysical, Divine help, influencing events, the state of a person, protection in any business or life situation.

The Technology offers all the tools for self-development and helping yourself in any area of ​life and existence.

The technology integrates knowledge from all areas of magical, energy and spiritual practices, but is not one of them.

Grand Architector is a synthesis of all the initiations and knowledge that the founder of the center received during his own many years of practice, experience and research.

Grand Architector in no way affects, does not distort, does not inject its tenets into a person's religious beliefs. Respects the purity of religions, and all religions of planet Earth.

Each consecrated is free in his/her choice of religion, integrating technology with his/her religious beliefs and preferences.


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