
Me and working with the Billionaire

Master 3rd level of karma correction

Having built a vector of work with a billionaire, know that he has no options but to come to you. The vector was on the value of oneself and to work with a billionaire, but on the vector itself there were convictions – I am not like that! First I have to be slim, first I have to have a hairdo, my teeth fixed, first I have to be successful, etc. and it fell on me like a lump! More and more.

But what if I already have everything to meet him? I have everything to conduct an internship! What? And so I arrived in business class, with a greasy head and a bag of paints, brushes, and A5 album sheets. And this huge guy meets me at the Marriott restaurant. His request: “I don’t want to wake up in the morning! No desire!”

We sit down at the table in the restaurant. I lay out the paints, brushes, and album sheets. Imagine his resistance when he looks at me and this lump (I am not like that), it starts flying at me, and I just tell him inside myself: “I know how to give you what you want, yes, I am not like that, but I have it.” The person relaxes.

We went into practice with the sephiroth of the fool arcana. We raised his dreams, goals and plans that bring him pleasure. And in the practice of picture magic we got the true desires that he wants to bring to this World!

It turned out that one of his goals in life is to take a place in Forbes magazine. Asking the question how much you need to earn to get to the last place, it turned out that he had already fulfilled his dream, he had achieved these billions, but did not register them officially and did not intend to!

That’s why he had no energy to get up! We created new goals, plans and dreams for him – one of them is to create his own clothing brand (at the moment his face was already on T-shirts). To build something large-scale – like Galitsky Park (probably – this desire is already on the way), and other interesting goals.

During the practice, I asked the question: “What benefit has this practice already brought to you!?” He was constantly writing something down in his phone and said: “You saw what I wrote? Yes? I wrote, plans and goals! What do I need to do to make this happen.” In addition, the client had a desire to get up in the morning.

This is the result of this session for me! That I already have all the tools! To solve problems for others! That no matter how I look, I can already give a lot to this World now! That I do not need to go through the path of a Billionaire to give him what I already have! That I do not need to live someone else’s path at all.

This is one of the main limitations that came out of me! This is to live someone else’s path – to give what I already have. When I understood why I was doing this, another attitude came to light – to be better than another, so that this someone would feel my value and give me an assessment – You are better than me in this!

The value for me was in the fulfillment of my plans and dreams! A trip to Turkey and a meeting with our girls from the center! A trip to Georgia – 10 days to see it all and enjoy it. Building clients who paid 500 € for mentoring. Meeting interesting people (in Turkey to meet the Billionaire founder of the construction company Development Yug). This year I took 2 initiations in the center! And each time my dream fulfillment became a confirmation of my self-worth and the thrill of enjoying this World.

In the new year, I wish you to explore your plans and goals! Know that they have no other options, as soon as it comes true for you.

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