
From the lack of goals in life and poor health to favorite business and high level of energy and health


Andrey Nesterenko

  •  low energy level, constant fatigue;
  • bad mood and well-being;
  • it is unclear what to do in life, lack of purpose;
  • my son’s dermatitis does not go away;
  • negative thoughts and attitudes;
  • the female condition leaves much to be desired.

  1. Energy diagnostics using Tarot. I looked at the state of the energy structure.
  2. The cycle of Karma Correction (4 sessions of KarmaCorrection, 1 session of Conscious consciousness, 1 session of Shakti, 1 Large financial session, 1 session on the Physical body).
  3. Study of traumatic situations through the Questionnaire of radical forgiveness.
  4. View activity options via Tarot.
  5. Period of work with the client

1 month

  • significantly increased the level of energy and health;
  • a state of inspiration and joy from small things;
  • I have decided on my purpose in life. Knows what to do;
  • pumped up female energies;
  • I learned to defend my boundaries and remove parasitic people from my life.

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